Child (under 18)
$7 transaction fee / order
Monday 27 October 2025
6:30pm at Hamer Hall Auslan interpreted
Franck Symphony in D minor
Pulling out all the stops
In addition to being a composer, César Franck was a renowned organist. This comes through brilliantly in his only Symphony, as he builds up to powerful climaxes throughout the work, pulling out all the stops on the way.
Experience this remarkable work conducted by Chloé van Soeterstède.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Chloé van Soeterstède conductor
About Quick Fix
Quick Fix concerts feature a 15-20 minute presentation and a performance of the full work. 75 minutes, no interval.

Quick Fix and Half Six is supported by City of Melbourne
The MSO’s Auslan interpreted performances are supported by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.