Level 1 resources
The PizzIMMERSION Level 1 resources have been designed to enhance the classroom learning environment by providing teachers with simple activities to reset or break cycles of challenging student behaviour.
The aims of Level 1 Music and Focus resources are:
- To provide teachers with a toolbox of activities to quickly focus or refocus students
- To facilitate participation of students in group work, where every member is included and contributes to the greater whole
- To change pace between lessons, a palette cleanser to reset or break a cycle of behaviour.
Explore the resources
Level 2 resources
The PizzIMMERSION Level 2 resources have been created to help strengthen and deepen the teacher's experience, and to provide further ability to tailor learnings to address specific personal classroom challenges.
The aims of Level 2 resources are:
- To consolidate and further develop the teachers’ existing knowledge, confidence and skills in delivery
- To help teachers to develop student confidence and creativity with more scope for personal creative input and leadership opportunities.
PizzIMMERSION Professional Learning is supported by the Department of Education and Training Victoria, through the Strategic Partnerships Program.