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Philippa West has been a proud member of the MSO Second Violin section since 2010. She began lessons in Adelaide after attending concerts and being enchanted by the sound and facility of the violinists. Moving to Brisbane with her family saw studies continue at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music School under Marguerite Sopinski. While in Queensland she began orchestral experience in the Queensland Youth Orchestra, culminating in touring as Principal 2nd violin before moving to Melbourne in 1997. Philippa completed her B.Mus.Perf at the VCA, then received her M.Mus.Perf from the University of Melbourne in 2001 under Mark Mogilevski. During this time she gained valuable experience as a casual player with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, MSO and Orchestra Victoria.

In 2001 Philippa won her first job in Orchestra Victoria. Here a love for opera and ballet was ignited. She particularly relished the chance to work with OzOpera and Victorian Opera in presenting chamber sized opera to communities in remote parts of Australia.

Philippa has always been both fascinated and inspired by the interplay between musicians that chamber music affords. She has enjoyed her role as Second Violin with Quartz Quartet alongside Merewyn Bramble, Zoe Wallace, and her MSO colleague Kathryn Taylor since 2017.

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